#1 What exactly is a YM section?
A YM section is a self-organized student organization, which is hosted by a university or a research institution. It comprises at least 4 members, as well as a section advisor. The advisor must be a permanent staff member of the host institution, serves a local mentor whom the section can consult, and ensures continuity in the work of the section.
#2 How can I start a new section – and what is needed?
Not much is needed to start a new section – all it takes is to gather at least 4 students or young researcher that are either member of EPS or one of its national member societies, find a staff member willing to serve as the advisor, get the agreement of the host institution and follow the steps described here: http://www.epsyoungminds.org/how-to-apply/
#3 Who can be a member of a section?
Section membership is open to all young physicists, and persons from related disciplines. PhD students and postdocs must be individual members of either EPS or one of its member societies to join a section. BSc and MSc students are granted free membership by EPS. Refer to question #16 to learn how BSc and MSc student members of a section can be managed using the EPS webpage.
#4 Can there be more than one section per city?
Yes, it is possible to have more than one section per city, although we strongly encourage collaboration between YM members that work or study in different institutions. YM sections in the same city need to be affiliated to different universities or institutions. It is not possible to have two sections in the same city which are affiliated to different departments or divisions of the same institution.
#5 What are the important deadlines and dates sections need to keep in mind?
There are two deadlines for YM Activity Grant submission, January 15 and July 15, and four deadlines for YM Conference Award submission, January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15.
Additionally, sections should mark May and June in their calendars since the annual leadership meeting is usually hosted during these months.
#6 Whom shall a section contact if there is a question or need for advice?
Each section has a dedicated contact person within the Young Minds Action Committee. To find out who is the contact person for your section, please check to which regional zone your section belongs to and look up the Committee member responsible for the zone here: http://www.epsyoungminds.org/sections/
#7 What kind of activities are supported by the programme – and how?
In general, the Young Minds programme supports activities that are related to the overall goals of the programm, e.g. the professional development of its members, the creation of connections among young physicists on the regional, national and international level, and the promotion of Physics, and Science in general, do the broad public. Supported are also activities that work towards a more inclusive physics and science community, and that address challenges that PhD students and young researchers face in their careers (e.g. mental health).
YM is supporting such activities by providing funding. Every section has the possibility to apply for the YM Activity Grant and the YM Conference Award. Details on both grant instruments can be found here: https://www.epsyoungminds.org/benefits/
#8 Are there any presentations available that can be used by sections to inform their local communities about the project?
Yes, a general introduction on the EPS YM programme is available here. Sections are free to use it to promote the programme.
#9 How can a section share its activities with the EPS and YM network?
Both within the electronic newsletter eEPS and the journal Europhysics News there is a dedicated slot to which sections can contribute and in which they can publish blogposts or articles, respectively, on their activities. If a section is interested in contributing to either of these platforms, it should get in touch with its contact within the AC. Example posts and articles can be found here and here.
Additionally, all sections are encouraged to set up their own social media presences and homepages.
#10 How is the programme managed?
YM is managed by the Action Committee (AC). The AC has two parts: A first and permanent part, which comprises the current EPS president, the EPS Secretary General and the EPS YM Programme Manager. The second, non-permanent part, of the AC composes a number of dedicated young professionals with profound experience in the work of EPS YM and its sections. This part of the AC is in charge of many operational tasks of the programme, in particular the review of grant applications and the support of the sections in case of questions.
#11 How can one join the Action committee?
There are regular calls for applications to join the Action Committee. While previous involvement in the YM programme or one of its sections is a major plus, persons with no YM experience are encouraged and invited to apply as well, if they have previous experiences with committee work and if they can identify with the goals of the programme.
#12 How can a section ensure to always be informed about the latest developments on the YM programme?
The Action Committee has two ways two connect with the sections: First, via email communication and second via Social Media. To ensure that your section doesn`t miss any important information submit your section census after each change in your section board and follow our social media channels (see question #13).
#13 How can I follow the programme on social media?
EPS YM is represented on Facebook, Twitter (@epsyoungminds) and LinkedIn.
#14 How can the section profile in the EPS webportal be used?
For each section the EPS office will create a section profile in the EPS webportal. After creation the password and username will be given to the section president. This section account can be used to create a blog or pages with information on the section, add photos, create links to other platforms, invite pre-PhD students ( see question 16) and much more.
#15 Can individual section members also use the webportal?
All section members can, of course, also use the webportal with their individual accounts, e.g. to create connections to the EPS community. In particular, individuals may indicate their fields of interests and even upload their CVs.
#16 How can a section invite pre-PhD students for free with the profile of the section?
After connecting his individual account to the section profile, the president can invite pre-PhD students to become members of EPS with their fee waived. Note that for creating his own account the president must use a different email address than the one used for the section profile. The invites members presidents must log into his or her accoun, then click “Group”, then the name of his or her Section (below “Group administrator”) and “My YoungMinds Pre-PHD Students”. Presidents must ensure that all persons that are invited as free members meet the eligibility criteria.
#17 We want to submit a grant application but there are technical problems with the website and the deadline is approaching – what can we do?
In general we encourage sections to submit their applications in a timely manner such that there is a time to react if problems occur. Yet, in case a section is trying to submit shortly before the deadline and encounters technical problems, the section should send their application in a file format ( preferrably PDF) to their contact person within the AC, with a description of the problem that prevented to submit via the website. If the email enters the contact person`s mailbox before the end of the deadline it will be considered valid.