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Optical Workshop

Optical workshopEach year University Jaume I (UJI) of Castellón celebrates the days of dissemination called “Connecta amb la Ciència” (means “Connect with the Science”). These days have the objective of publicize the courses and degrees offered by the scientific area of the UJI. People (teachers, postdocs, students…) working in several areas from the university go to many places around the region of Castellón and offer workshops about chemistry, videogames, optics and photonics, renewable energies, etc. and many high school students attend these workshops.
Taking advantage of the conference “Connecta amb la Ciència” the GOC members have travelled through different towns of the province to bring science to high school students.
We have prepared several micro workshops to show different physical properties and concepts related to optics (atmospheric scattering, refraction, diffraction on a CD, light absorption, polarization…) and also explain how works the human eye. In this way, students from all region have the opportunity to learn science by having fun.
We showed these workshops in 2014 and teachers from different high schools requested our workshops also for this year 2015 because the students enjoyed them. This year we have only visited the Puerto de Sagunto town (last 2nd March) and a high school near to the university (last 22nd April). However we have already planned visiting Morella (23rd October), Vinaroz (26th October), Sagunto (9th November), and Vila-Real (16th November). We have some new material for improve our explanations, so we hope students learn more and enjoy very much!


Ab initio simulations in investigating the origin of life

Messina_seminarioComputer simulations are nowadays an irreplaceable tool in predicting and exploring phenomena which occur at regimes difficult to achieve in ordinary laboratories. Moreover, they are capable to identify with an atomic resolution molecular re-arrangements or important chemical reactions elucidating inter alia the underlying delicate mechanisms. Only recently, it has been possible to simulate in a microscopic detailed fashion chemical reactions which may be occurred in some specific environments in the prebiotic era; these reactions, previously not known, represent another important route by which the bricks of life (i.e., the amino-acids) could formed on Earth.
Prof. Marco Saitta is one of the most important scientist in this interdisciplinary field since he is even developing with his group at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) – Sorbonne Université in Paris (France) new numerical tools which will be of extreme help in order to reproduce the energy landscape of any chemical reaction in a smart and simple manner.
In order to amplify the audience of this topic which can be tackled from many scientific points of view an in order to give the possibility to our University to host an high-profile scientist, we organized this Seminar. Although our primary targets were graduate and undergraduate students, a great participation of established scientists was appreciated. Prof. Saitta, by using on average an informal approach, has treated with meticulous clarity and depth this fascinating topic, stimulating important and delicate discussions at the end of the talk which involved many scientists present at the event. At the beginning and at the end of his presentation, Prof. Saitta did not lose the opportunity to acknowledge our YM Section and the general YM philosophy. Indeed, almost surprisingly, he has also shown a YouTube video made by another YM Section in which our colleagues “play” with different physical fields in which Prof. Saitta himself is deeply involved. Finally, Prof. Saitta, being a co-organizer of two important Schools on related arguments (i.e., computer simulations), has invited students and researchers to participate obtaining an enthusiastic response.
Just after the ending scientific discussions moderated by an our member as chairman, a refreshment was offered by our section to the participants. During this latter, informal scientific interactions were catalyzed by a convivial environment and the students had also the opportunity to interact directly with Prof. Saitta and discover different approaches to the study of physics present at the UPMC in Paris, one of the most recognized scientific institutions in Europe.

The seminar was hosted on the 2nd of October 2015 by the Messina YM Section.

DOFFI Conference 2015

2015_Buda_DOFFI03The Budapest YM Section took part in organizing a Conference to Hungarian PHD students.
The DOFFI Conference gave Physics PhD students from Hungary a chance to present their research and in return, gain an insight about the work being carried out by fellow students. Through a relaxed and friendly environment, it also gave attendees a chance to network with academics and students to create and strengthen professional relationships.
The three­day event (11-14 June 2015) was split into sessions which were chaired by top Hungarian academics in the field. Student presenters of the sessions had the opportunity to receive feedback from an assigned discussant and the audience. The sessions were organized as the following:
A presenter gave a presentation of their own paper (20 minutes).
A discussant gave a short critical analysis of the presenter’s work (5 minutes). A session led by a session leader followed (10 Minutes).
All of the audience was given the opportunity to present their work in a poster. This took place during the whole of the conference.
The PHD students also participated in daily plenary lectures with current research topics (for example gravity waves or the Higgs­Boson).
Several physicist employing companies presented themselves to offer different jobs. We organised a forum discussions on issues affecting the physicist community.
We hope that the participant learned a lot, and got to know each other.

Webpage with abstracts, pictures and program:

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XV Workshop for young researchers in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory

2015_Lviv_Work_03The 15th Workshop and Award for young researchers in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory supported by EPS Young Minds project was held in Lviv at the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics on June 4–5, 2015. Since this year is announced as the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies, the event was dedicated to the 115th anniversary of Olexander Smakula (1900–1983), a famous Ukrainian physicist who is known for the invention of anti-reflective lens coatings based on optical interference.

Five invited lectures were given during the Workshop. In particular, the well-known Ukrainian physicist who studies the optical problems, Leonid Yatsenko presented his overview devoted to the application of light properties to the manipulation of small particles. A special talk about personal and scientific life of Olexander Smakula was given by Svitlana Apunevych. Three other speakers also presented enthusiastic lectures on other directions of modern statistical physics.

Young researchers in statistical physics and condensed matter theory had an opportunity to present their own results during the Workshop. Two of them – Khrystyna Haydukivska and Andrij Kuzmak – were awarded for the best presentations by Special Individual Awards. Four other young participants – Vasyl’ Vasyuta, Iryna Bzovska, Maryana Krasnytska and Kyrylo Snizhko – were distinguished by the Competition Committee as the most promising ones. In general, 19 young researchers not only from Lviv, but from Odesa, Dnipropetrovs’k, Kyiv – took part in the event.

Besides the official part, many cultural activities were organized, including city sightseeing excursion, evening beer-party and picnic. As usual, the Workshop gave a great chance to young and their more experienced colleagues to get in touch, to discuss interesting topics and to enrich scientific connections in friendly atmosphere.

Iryna Zahladko, the president of ICMP Young Minds Section in Lviv, gave a special presentation to familiarize the audience with the section’s activities and the general scope of EPS Young Minds project.

FacebookThe photos related to the event can be found on the group of our section on Facebook:

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Bilateral section meeting with Glasgow University student chapter

2015_SCOPE_Bilateral_02On July 6th 2015, SCOPE (the Strathclyde Student Community for Optics & Photonics Engineering) came together with an OSA Student Chapter from Glasgow University, newly founded this year, for a first interchapter meeting and social night.
The event was hosted in the physics common room at Glasgow University. Food and drink was provided jointly by the Glasgow University Chapter as well as SCOPE ranging from pizza and beer to cake and juices. In total a number of about 25 people attended the evening with around 10 students joining us from Strathclyde University. Although many of these were full SCOPE members already, this was still a very good opportunity for recruitment for both the Glasgow University chapter, whose first event it was, and us to engage those students that had not joined our societies yet.
After dinner, the evening continued with a short, but cleverly designed quiz on light-related questions from physics, music and other categories, organized by the Glasgow University Chapter, as well as some socializing allowing the members of both chapters to get to know each other and talk about their respective research activities. For us, as the committee, it also provided an opportunity to exchange experiences with our chapters so far and discuss ideas for future events and potential future collaborations.
Overall, we received positive feedback from the people attending and have planned to repeat such a bilateral meeting with the Glasgow University OSA Chapter in due time. The EPS funding we received was used to provide subway travel for our members to the venue as well as our share of food and drink for the evening.
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ILY @ Developments in Optics and Communications 2015

Riga_IYL_1During the international student and young scientist conference “Developments in Optics and Communications 2015”, the Riga YM Section organized a special welcome party to celebrate the International Year of Light, although it was a theme throughout the whole conference. The conference logo was adapted this year to include the logo of the International Year of Light. It was mentioned during all three conference days that this year it is a special year for our conference, organizers and also participants and that this year even more than before we are celebrating Light.
Each participant got a present in their conference bag – a pin with the International Year of Light logo.

This social activity included different activities: introduction game in which all the participants could get to know each other better and other games. A KHET Laser Game tournament was held that allowed participants to challenge each other intellectually as well – this game needs knowledge on how light rays reflect, and also some strategic thinking to predict the opponent’s next moves. A Quiz about Physics and Light was held during the Welcome party to see who can get the right answers the fastest.
During the International Year of Light Welcome party, which was held in the evening of the first day of the conference, participants got to know each other better, got a chance to network with each other not just regarding their scientific work, but also to discuss and share ideas about different outreach activities that can be organized. The organizers believe that this event was very useful for everyone, and participants enjoyed it very much.

Introduction to Student Scientific Association

Vilnius_YM_flagEPS Young Minds Section of Vilnius University invited all of the members of the community which connects also the OSA and SPIE Student Chapters to celebrate the international day of π on 14th of March, 2015.

The handouts shown in the first figure were handed out to more than 300 students, the trick to make them more useful was an added list of most common math equations in physics on the other side of the handout. These handout were in Lithuanian and they invited to do outreach activities, participate in seminars, construct some objects and of course come to the celebration of the international π-day. The celebration involved SPIE Student Chapter of Vilnius University, OSA Student Chapter of Vilnius University and Vilnius University Students’ Representation. It consisted of the fallowing events: discussion on possible future plans, Pi memorizing contest and an actual pie contest. Participants competed against each other and the award ceremony took place at the end with a social party, including board games and more. Two books “The Number Pi” written by Pierre Eymard were purchased: one was dedicated to our library while the other was given to the winner of the contest. The left amount of the grant was used to reimburse the cost of snacks and beverages.

Most of the members of different communities are tightly connected but these connections do not always have proper transfer to the results. Sharing the information on upcoming events, meetings, conferences, etc. is a great start. We may have similar aims, but we need to understand each other in order to point them in the same direction. Meetings in informal environment are the best way to do so. All of the event goals are related to reinforcing of the communication between the scientific communities of Vilnius University!

First contact with the university

schoolsDays 11, 14, 15 and 21 of January we offered to students in last high school year several seminars. Firstly, we started the sessions with the presentation of our group GOC and our ongoing and future activities. Secondly, we explained why 2015 is the International Year of Light and the importance of light for the life. After we showed them some light properties, they made a practical activity related with diffraction to guess if they have a DVD or a CD.
Some month later, on Thursday 21st of May took place an activity developed by UJI called FIRUJICIÈNCIA where students from high school and university had the chance to see science demonstrations in different stands. There we showed them some characteristics of light and its application.
We explained polarization by using two polarizers and allowing the students to cross them or to move them freely. We made a photoelasticity demonstration, with two crossed polarizers, we told them to add a transparent medium between both and they could see the effect of the material on light. They could also see refraction and reflection, with a glass of water and a coin we explained them the phenomenon of the total internal reflection and the critical angle. We cloaked the coin while it was under the glass, in air, and show them how depending on the angle of observation you can see it or not. Diffraction demonstration were also developed, we used diffraction gratings and lasers of different wavelength to make clear the dependence of the angle of the diffraction orders with that parameter. Besides, with red, blue and green sources we generated white light to show the spectral content of white light and to explain the importance of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics in order to have white light sources with LED illumination. We had a model of the human eye and lenses to simulate image formation and to let them see the effect of myopia and hyperopia and how to correct them using lenses. Finally, outside the building where FIRUJICIÈNCIA took place, we brought a telescope in order to make an observation of the sun.
While doing all the activities, we also told the students why 2015 is International Year of Light and why is light so important in our daily life. We informed them about our group, GOC, and also explained about future activities.

MPL Laboratory Visit

The students of the Erlangen Section visited the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) Laboratory.
The second Autumn Academy at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light took place from 30 September to 2 October 2013. The aim of this two-and-a-half day event was to introduce Bachelor and Master students to the fast moving field of optical sciences including topics such as quantum information processing, meta-materials, nano-optics, photonic crystal fibres, nonlinear optics, imaging and sensing. The response was excellent. From more than 70 applications, the EPS Young Minds section of Erlangen, Germany selected 26 students and invited them to Erlangen for a packed schedule.

The participants received an overview over the wide range of research fields covered by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light [MPL] at the poster session that was organised on the first evening.

In the course of the Academy, the participants attended several lectures given both by the Institute’s directors Prof. Gerd Leuchs, Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar and Prof. Philip Russell, by PhD students and group leaders from the MPL and also by the invited lecturers Prof. Florian Marquardt (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Prof. Cornelia Denz (University of Münster) and Dr. Jonathan Matthews (University of Bristol). The lectures addressed a wide variety of topics ranging from photonic crystal fibres over nano – and biophotonics to optomechanics to name only a few of them.

Between the lectures several laboratory tours were offered, that allowed the participants to learn about the actual experimental implementations of the research presented in the lectures.