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Debrecen YM BAA 2014

coming-soonLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur efficitur hendrerit enim sed viverra. Vivamus vestibulum egestas consectetur. Nullam quis hendrerit turpis. Ut commodo quis urna at molestie. Curabitur luctus tortor in turpis commodo pellentesque. Cras aliquet leo metus, eget luctus lectus condimentum vitae. Morbi mattis diam eu tellus luctus, sit amet pulvinar tortor porttitor. Integer vulputate nulla ultrices orci facilisis posuere. Quisque tristique lacus eget risus sodales consequat. Vestibulum volutpat dui vitae sapien rutrum, eget consectetur dui commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

In eu blandit leo, eu semper mi. Sed ornare, metus vel facilisis molestie, arcu neque posuere turpis, sit amet convallis sem massa nec velit. Vivamus in imperdiet mauris. Nullam tristique viverra massa sit amet convallis. Fusce id ipsum id odio interdum tincidunt a in erat. Nunc nec viverra ligula. Mauris ac velit id tortor condimentum cursus vel eu ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

MPL Laboratory Visit

The students of the Erlangen Section visited the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) Laboratory.
The second Autumn Academy at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light took place from 30 September to 2 October 2013. The aim of this two-and-a-half day event was to introduce Bachelor and Master students to the fast moving field of optical sciences including topics such as quantum information processing, meta-materials, nano-optics, photonic crystal fibres, nonlinear optics, imaging and sensing. The response was excellent. From more than 70 applications, the EPS Young Minds section of Erlangen, Germany selected 26 students and invited them to Erlangen for a packed schedule.

The participants received an overview over the wide range of research fields covered by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light [MPL] at the poster session that was organised on the first evening.

In the course of the Academy, the participants attended several lectures given both by the Institute’s directors Prof. Gerd Leuchs, Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar and Prof. Philip Russell, by PhD students and group leaders from the MPL and also by the invited lecturers Prof. Florian Marquardt (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Prof. Cornelia Denz (University of Münster) and Dr. Jonathan Matthews (University of Bristol). The lectures addressed a wide variety of topics ranging from photonic crystal fibres over nano – and biophotonics to optomechanics to name only a few of them.

Between the lectures several laboratory tours were offered, that allowed the participants to learn about the actual experimental implementations of the research presented in the lectures.

Moscow YM BAA 2013

coming-soonLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur efficitur hendrerit enim sed viverra. Vivamus vestibulum egestas consectetur. Nullam quis hendrerit turpis. Ut commodo quis urna at molestie. Curabitur luctus tortor in turpis commodo pellentesque. Cras aliquet leo metus, eget luctus lectus condimentum vitae. Morbi mattis diam eu tellus luctus, sit amet pulvinar tortor porttitor. Integer vulputate nulla ultrices orci facilisis posuere. Quisque tristique lacus eget risus sodales consequat. Vestibulum volutpat dui vitae sapien rutrum, eget consectetur dui commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

In eu blandit leo, eu semper mi. Sed ornare, metus vel facilisis molestie, arcu neque posuere turpis, sit amet convallis sem massa nec velit. Vivamus in imperdiet mauris. Nullam tristique viverra massa sit amet convallis. Fusce id ipsum id odio interdum tincidunt a in erat. Nunc nec viverra ligula. Mauris ac velit id tortor condimentum cursus vel eu ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Science Festival at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

The Festival of Science is the day when the Bauman Moscow State Technical University [BMSTU] opens it doors to numerous curious visitors and welcomes school children, high school graduates, and first-year university students.

BMSTU organised its second Festival of Science at the end of 2012. Every department of the university displayed information describing the research and education in science. Participants could also attend a variety of master classes, lectures, seminars and reports on different scientific topics, presented by senior students, postgraduates and professors.

Members of EPS Young Minds of the BMSTU Section [BMSTU EPS YM Section] presented optics demonstrations and laser games for school children. Vladimir Lazarev, past-President of BMSTU EPS YM Section organised an excursion to modern Scientific-Educational Center “Photonics and IR-techniques”. He also made a presentation on “Passion for Precision: Pursuing the Optical Frequency Standard!”.

The EPS Young Minds found the experience extremely rewarding, exciting, and instructive. The Young Minds team explained to those interested in optics and lasers, how laser works, why the sun light is a mix of all colours of the rainbow, how to produce holograms and interference patterns, how to analyse them, etc. The YM were impressed by the interest they raised around their stand, with many questions by school students of all ages as well as their parents.

“Hit the target” game, laser chess and diffractive glasses were the most attractive and popular exhibits for the visitors.

According to the BMSTU Young Minds opinion, the Festival was very useful and instructive for university entrants, who are considering their future studies.