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The Action Committee welcomes two new members

We are happy to announce that Mattia Ostinato and Carmen Martin have joined the Action Committee.

Carmen is a master student at the university of the Basque country and part of the nanomagnetism group at nanoGUNE. She has been a member of the EPS Young Minds section Physics League in Valladolid. Mattia is pursuing his PhD at the University of Barcelona. Before moving to Barcelona he has been a member of the PONYS EPS YM section in Naples since 2015.


The YM Action Committee welcomes Mattia Ostinato and Carmen Martin .

We are very happy to have Carmen and Mattia on board and wish them many valuable experiences and an enriching time in the committee.

YM Action Committee – Call for applications

The YM Action Committee is currently looking for a limited number of motivated candidates to join.

The Committee members are engaged in the management of the whole project, including the approval or rejection grant applications and the definition of the strategic long-term goals for the future development.

If you are interested, please send an email to ac(at)epsyoungminds.org with a one-page (maximum) application stating your motivation, your experience within the projet and other experiences you beleieve are relevant. A previous history within Young Minds or similar programs is not mandatory but highly appreciated.

Deadline for applications is November 30th, notifications will be sent out by the end of December.