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3rd YM meeting 2014

3rd Young Minds Leadership Meeting Paris

The 3rd Leadership Meetingtook place from Friday 6th to Saturday 7th June, 2014, at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (France).
Here there are the meeting presentations:

* Video presented by the Naples Section

2nd YM meeting 2013

2nd YM MeetingThe 2nd Young Minds Leadership Meeting was held at the EPS Headquarters in Mulhouse (France) on 21-22 June 2013.

Young scientists had the opportunity to hear three eminent speakers. Professor Jo Hermans, from Leiden University (the Netherlands), was invited to give a talk about “Physics in our daily life”. The EPS President John Dudley gave a talk on “Surviving in Science: what they don’t tell you about careers in research”, with simple and practical advice to help early-career researchers to build a long-term career. And J.A. Hutchison, from the University of Strasbourg (France), introduced his scientific studies on “Hybrid Light-Molecule States”.

Here you can find the meeting material: