Dear Young Minds,
We are happy to see that despite the unclear situation around the Corona pandemic many sections are very active and have applied for an activity grant. We are currently evaluation the applications. Notifications will be sent around in mid August.
The Action Committee welcomes two new members
We are happy to announce that Mattia Ostinato and Carmen Martin have joined the Action Committee.
Carmen is a master student at the university of the Basque country and part of the nanomagnetism group at nanoGUNE. She has been a member of the EPS Young Minds section Physics League in Valladolid. Mattia is pursuing his PhD at the University of Barcelona. Before moving to Barcelona he has been a member of the PONYS EPS YM section in Naples since 2015.
We are very happy to have Carmen and Mattia on board and wish them many valuable experiences and an enriching time in the committee.
How to create appealing media content – a webinar organized by Young Minds
The current pandemic has impacted many organisations, leading to decreased productivity of many fields and delay in projects. Naturally, the Young Minds project has been affected as well. However, it has also opened the possibility to experiment with novel ways of communication and exchange, for instance webinars.
We are glad to share our positive experience with the very first webinar organized by the Action Committee: “Bringing visibility to your event though photos: DOs & DON’Ts” hosted on June the 9th covered aspects on creating media content that attract and tells stories, especially focusing on the connection between science and people. The event was moderated and hosted by Hripsime Mkrtchyan, YM Action Committee member, and the speaker was Francesca di Franco, PhD student at Leon Berard Cancer Center in Lyon and former member of the Naples YM section PONYS. Francesca has an extensive experience as a photographer, especially in scientific events such as science fairs, congresses and workshops. During the one hour long webinar she shared her know-how on the production of multimedia contents to maximize the impact of science-related activities on social media. The webinar and its record has been viewed by more than 100 followers, and is now uploaded in our YouTube channel, making it available for the wider community.
Webinar on creating appealing media coverage

Francesca di Franco, former member of the YM section Naples, will discuss how catchy media content can be created without the use of professional instrumentation.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected also the YM program in several ways, among the others the annual Leadership Meeting had to be postponed. This does not mean, however, that our yearly appointment will be skipped. For the rest of the year, we are planning a number of online seminars covering a range of topics from outreach to professional development and networking, with speakers coming from different backgrounds all over Europe.
First up is Francesca Di Franco, PhD student at Leon Berard Cancer Center in Lyon, and former member of the Naples YM section PONYS Physics & Optics Naples Young Students. Francesca has an extensive experience as photographer, especially for scientific events such as science fairs, congresses and workshop. She will share her know-how on the production of multimedia contents to maximize the impact of science-related activities on social media.
Arduino tutorial organized by Young Minds Section Aveiro

The Young Minds Section in Aveiro has organized a seminar on Arduino programming. Photo credit: YM Section Aveiro
This February the Young Minds Section of Aveiro has organized and hosted a course on Arduino programming. It was held by two local students of the Electronic, Telecommunication and Informatic Department (DETI) of the University of Aveiro. In four sessions, each 2 hours long, the participants were introduced in several topics concerning the electronic prototyping platform Arduino. The course attracted nineteen participants from different departments, and each of them received a kit with electronic components, necessary to learn and develop the Arduino projects proposed by the teachers. At the end of the course, each participant could keep the kit to themselves and continue to learn and test the new knowledge acquired. The course can be certainly considered a success, as it did not only enhance the knowledge of the participants, but also strengthened the connection of the Aveiro sections to other organizations from University of Aveiro.
Richard Zeltner elected new chair of YM Action Committee

The YM Action Committee welcomes Hripsime Mkrtchyan (left) and Tanausú Hernández (middle). Richard Zeltner (right) has been elected as the new chair and is following Roberta Caruso, who did not run for another term, into office.
While the annual leadership meeting and the celebrations for the 10th anniversary of EPS YM have been postponed due to the Corona-pandemic many sections all over Europe are active despite the challenging situation, and some are even testing new and innovative formats to e.g. perform outreach activities via online channels.
Of course the Action Committee is active as well in managing the project, and has assembled for an online meeting last week. Among others the meeting brought the election of a new chair: Richard Zeltner will succeed Roberta Caruso, who did not run for another period, to the office. Many thanks to Roberta for years of dedication and leadership. But this was not the only personal change: Araceli Venegas-Gomez and Giorgio Nocerino are leaving the committee to follow new challenges, and Hripsime Mkrtchyan and Tanausú Hernández, who joined early this year, were formally introduced. Many thanks to Araceli and Giorgio for their valuable contributions over the years and all the best for their future, and welcome to Hripsime and Tanausú.
Leadership Meeting 2019
The Leadership Meeting 2019 was kindly hosted by the hBar Omega Section at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany. From May 24 to May 25 section delegates from the whole network engaged in professional development and networking activities. Talks were given by EPS President Dr. Petra Rudolf and Action Committee member Araceli Venegas-Gomez.