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Lunch lecture with Swedish Young Minds

The activity was a lunch lecture about gravitational waves held by professor Ulf Gran, with partial aim to promote the Swedish Young Minds section and gain more members. The lecture was held at Chalmers University of Technology (CUT) in Gothenburg on the 20th of April in connection to one of the board’s planning meetings for the Lise Meitner-days event, our annual activity weekend for high school students from all over the country, which is currently the main activity of our section. In that way, all members of the board could be present. Our section was founded very recently so gaining publicity and members are currently our main goals. Providing lunch and an interesting lecture is known to be a successful way to gain publicity that other organisations do from time to time at CUT, and the number of attendants and the response we got indicated that this event was successful as well.
Before the lecture advertisement was made by putting up posters in the physics department building and a few other places, by giving announcements in lecture breaks and by sharing a facebook-event. This turned out to give sufficient publicity to attract more people than the 100 lunches we provided.
We (the board) started with presenting ourselves, the Swedish Young Minds section, what kind of activities we are planning to arrange in the future and why the attendants should become members. For the rest of the lecture we invited professor Ulf Gran to talk about gravitational waves. Professor Gran is known to be a very popular lecturer from the first course in mechanics at the Engineering Physics and Engineering Mathematics programmes, where most of the attendants study. He has also been awarded several pedagogical prices from CUT and was therefore considered a very suitable choice of lecturer.
The lecturer involved a description of the basic concepts concerning gravitational waves and the experiments made to detect them, many illustrating animations and a live demonstration of an interferometer to illustrate the operation principles of the LIGO detector. There were quite a lot of questions both during the lecture and afterwards, and the overall reaction showed that the attendants thought the lecture was very interesting.
The 100 first attendants, which was also the actual number who participated, were provided half a pizza and a soft drink. Providing pizza for lunch was considered a good option with costs comparable to or even less than other common alternatives such as salads or baguettes, and we also believe it was much more appreciated. We also got a small price reduction from where we bought the pizzas (0.5 euro/pizza). After the lecture we handed out a note with instructions for how to become a member, and a few students also stayed and talked both to professor Gran about the lecture and to us about the future plans for our section.

YtY – Space laboratories: space experiments and missions to find our origin.


Students choose university courses mostly upon what they like, but rarely they know what truly means working in a particular area. This is true both for research and industry. There are informative initiatives, but we realised that students want to know about the decision progress older collegues have taken, maybe only a couple of year before them. Then, we organize “Young to Young” (Y2Y) meetings in order to let young speakers tell young students why they decided to start a PhD or to be enrolled by a company or which was their thesis project, presenting their whole experience.

The first Y2Y meeting was presented by Dr. Riccardo Giovanni Urso, graduated at the University of Catania in Science Materials and Nanotechnology. He focused on the fact that his research project concerned the formation of materials in space that led to the origin of life, an interdisciplinary path that gave him the right enthusiasm. He described his work, his results and how he learned from all people he came in contact. At the end, there was time dedicated to questions by students.

Undergraduate students and early master’s students were the target of this meeting. We were able to attract an audience of about 30 people.

We asked all participants to fill a survey. Feedbacks are clear: they appreciated this initiative and all of them will participate next meetings. They also appreciated the fact that a young person was spoke to them. Finally, we need to improve the advertising to reach more students and attract them.

Student Meeting: “Famelab Catania 2018”

Famelab is a science communication competition with the aim of entertain by talking science. Since its launch in 2005 in Cheltenham (UK) Famelab has become the world’s biggest communication contest for scientists, and today the event includes more than thirty countries. This challenge is open to young researchers, university students and anyone involved in science who loves talking about a scientific topic in an effective way. In fact, the competitors have only three minutes to tell the object of their research activity or a fascinating scientific topic to a heterogeneous public (researchers, university and high-school students, families…), only with the help of their communication skills and small objects of everyday life. In each local contest, the “famelabers” are judged by a selected jury (scientists, communicators, journalists…). The jury choose the two winners who will participate to the “masterclass”, a three-days training event with professional science communicator, and then to the national and, eventually, international competition.

Since 2017 Catania is one of the italian selection sites for Famelab, and for the second year EPS Young Minds team has been directly involved in the organization of the event as major sponsor, providing also technical support services. In particular, based on the big success of the 2017 edition in terms of participants and feedbacks from the public, in 2018 the YM section proposed a new three-days format for the local event: two semi-finals and the final contest. In each day, the YM section and invited a high-profile scientist to be part of the jury, and to do a seminar about frontier research topics at the end of contest. The three invited high-level scientists were:

  • Barbara Mazzolai, Director of the Center for Micro-BioRobotics of the IIT (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia), who talked about bioinspired robotics and the future of robotics.
  • Luigi Cattivelli, Director of the Genomics Research Center of the Agrigultural Research Council, who presented his research activity on genetics and molecular biology of cereals.
  • Eugenio Coccia, Rector of the Gran Sasso Science Institute and one of the authors of the discovery gravitational waves and of the first observation of black holes, who talked about the born of a new astronomy with gravitational waves.

At the beginning and at the end of the three presentations, the speakers did not lose the opportunity to acknowledge the YM section and in general the YM philosophy. A great participation of scientists and students was appreciated not only during the contest but also during the presentations, and there were also strong interactions with the three speakers, moderated and catalysed by the YM members.


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Night events with DTU-Lys

laser-khet-featured-imageOn November 28th 2017 in the evening, our student chapter DTU-Lys held a competition in the board game KHET, which is a complicated form of Chess, but with laser beams. Our student chapter owns 4 of these board games – a perfect number for hosting a competition with both group stages and knock-out rounds! The winner of the tournament was on beforehand promised a DTU-Lys t-shirt, which we had recently acquired a number of for outreach purposes. In total, this evening event numbered around 30 participants, with a good mix of Master students and PhD students.

The evening started out with a 15 min introduction to our student chapter DTU-Lys, who we are, what we have done, and what plan to do. With the event taking place only half a month from our annual meeting and election in December, it was our hope, and plan, to lure in new potential active board members of DTU-Lys. Our current board now counts 4 new members who all participated in this event.

After the introduction, we divided people into four groups who were to play each other in order to decide who advanced from the group-stage and into the knock-out stage. We used chess-clock apps on our phones to make sure that the games did not continue in all eternity (this was an issue in the beginning) and to add an extra stress factor. During the night people had free access to beers and sodas, and after 1½ hour of playing everyone sat down and had pizza together.

All-in-all it was a very fun and social evening, and many of the participants urged us to organize a similar event in the spring 2018 – which we will certainly do!

Visit to the Scottish Dark Sky Observatory

DSC_0701(1)On November 18th, SCOPE organised a night trip to the Scottish Dark Sky Observatory (SDSO) located in the edge of the Galloway Forest in Ayrshire.

During this visit twelve of our members had the chance to visit the SDSO centre and enjoy their indoors exhibition together with an astonishing sky observation outdoors allowed by the clear skies during the visit.

The observation was guided by two members of the SDSO staff that were operating two telescopes, one of which was inside an impressive 5 metre dome. With the mentioned equipment, we were able to observe some of the major objects in the Northern Hemisphere night sky including major constellations such as Cassiopeia, Orion or Pegasus, some galaxies like Andromeda, and even the planet Uranus.

During the observation we also received interesting explanations not only regarding the astronomical objects we were looking at but also about the process of observation itself. Moreover, we had the chance to practice night photography with some of our cameras and the help of the members of SDSO and their tripods.

After this, we visited the exhibition inside the SDSO centre that included some models of planets, astronaut missions and some Physics demonstrations.

We consider that this trip was a fantastic opportunity for SCOPE members to learn about Astronomy and the local facilities that currently exist in Scotland for this purpose. Moreover, we gained awareness about issues like light pollution that obstruct observation.

Finally, we would like to mention that this activity was also aimed to show SCOPE members that there are many career possibilities with a background of physics outside Academia, such as outreach in Astronomy.

Get-Together-Meeting, Researchers Night and much more

school-in-a-different-way_group-photoAt the beginning of 2017, our newly formed section organized a Get-Together-Meeting, inviting the local SPIE and OSA chapters to present its proposed activities for 2017 and to extend an invitation to join the INFLPR YMS.

In February, our section has been invited by the Former President of the Romanian Physical Society to attend the meeting organized by the EPS-EC and EPS-CEI, taking place in Bucharest. This event presented great occasion for our section to be introduced to the public. The President and Vice-President of our section participated at the meeting, presenting the 1st Announcement of the sections’ international student conference, thus delivering the information to many EPS Member Societies.

Throughout the year, the INFLPR YMS organized laboratory visits at the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics for kindergarten, primary, middle and high school pupils, thus providing participants an insight of the current scientific work carried out in the institute, and in the same time encouraging them to choose a career in research or academia. The President of the section also arranged small physics experiments, providing simple and concise explanations regarding fundamental physics phenomena in a funny and interactive way. It also has to be mentioned that in 2017, for the first time, INFLPR opened its doors for foreign students and their teachers from Germany.

Furthermore, a representative of the INFLPR YMS had the chance to attend the 6th Young Minds Leadership Meeting, organized in Naples, Italy, during 12-13 May 2017. He had the opportunity to make new connections and to advertise our student conference.

The INFLPR YMS was proud to organize together with the local OSA and SPIE chapters IONS® Balvanyos 2017, representing on one hand a huge commitment and responsibility, while on the other hand an incredibly worthwhile experience. IONS® Balvanyos was a memorable conference for all of us with high quality scientific program, opportunities to meet and discuss, as well as a truly enjoyable woodland experience. The conference was held at a geographically unique and vibrant resort in the heart of Transylvania’s Eastern Carpathian Mountains, near Lake Saint Ana, the only volcanic lake in Romania. IONS® Balvanyos brought together 65 participants from 10 different countries. Our generous partners and sponsors, including EPS as well, allowed us to offer Travel Grants to 18 students. The event didn’t lack of social activities, such as icebreaking games, field trip, playing Frisbee and campfire. The most courageous attendees also could take part in “bear watching”.

Moreover, the INFLPR YMS participated at Researchers Night in Bucharest, involving physics related experiments and providing visitors with funny and friendly explanations. Another aim of our participation was to promote and bring into the public attention the section and its activities.

Last but not least, at the beginning of 2018 our section launched a photo contest. Youngsters are asked to capture the beauty of science. With the help of the photo contest, our section will try to address people with various background and interests, showing the intertwining fabric of science and arts.

Pizza Event!!!

With this title we started an event called “Welcome Young Minds” through which we invited undergraduate students from Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University after finishing their training at National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences (NILES) – Cairo University.
They didn’t hear about society and Cairo Young Minds Section before, so it was a great opportunity to welcome them in a short seminar about the goals of our section, and the activates we attend to do . This all happened during a “PIZZA PARTY” yummy yummy!!!!!
This event started with introduction about each member then presentation which contained our goals, methods to reach these goals, and ended by eating PIZZA during good discussion about what we can collaborate to do with them in the next time.

Kidutopia Event

img-20180115-wa0007EPS Cairo young minds section contributed to an inspiring event for innovative kids called “Kidutopia”. About fifty kids (from five to sixteen years old) attended this event which is the first event that combines sciences, sports and educational consultations for kids in Egypt. This event had many non-governmental organizations that cooperated with us to give these kids an outreaching in different activities. The YM Cairo section organized and implemented simple experiments relating to various motivating physical phenomenon through enjoyable activates. These experiments included optical illusion, water lens and light refraction in addition to some simple optical activities using a laser kit game. This event had a positive impact on the kids through the participation of the children in performing these experiments. Moreover, this event was very exciting to the section members as it served an extremely important part of the community: Kids

Physics Café 2

20171127_185826During the winter semester of 2017, a follow-up of the previous semester’s Physics Café was organised as one of the Prague EPS Young Minds events. This time, the aim of the Physics Café project was to further enhance the achievements gained during the first volume of Physics Café i.e. to provide a platform for informal meetings of university students and (senior) scientists and people from academia, with a strong emphasis on informality, and to promote physics and physics related scientific fields among the students.

This semester’s Physics Café was more challenging than ever before. There were major difficulties to find an appropriate venue since the previous one was not suitable for holding the events anymore, and we also struggled to persuade the senior scientists to join (mainly due to their workload). In the end, we managed to organise one event within the Physics Café project. The event called For Science to the Edge of the World was a compilation of short presentations of researchers (mainly from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and NPI AV CR) who travelled the world to do science, physics in particular. To keep the presentations brief and entertaining, we asked each presenter (9 people in total) to make a Pecha Kucha styled presentation (20 slides, each per 20 seconds). The event, held in the popular Skautský Institut Café in the centre of Prague, attracted around 50 people, making it our most successful Physics Café event ever. During the evening, presenters shared their experience of their research stays, internships, and conferences, all of it in the nippy and fun pace. After the presentation part was finished, a non-moderated discussion involving both the presenters and the audience followed.

It can be concluded that even though we organised not as many Physics Café events as we planned for, we met the expectations for the event quality wise. Physics cafe with its varying programme is getting more and more popular among students and scientists in Prague.

Physics pizza party season 5


One of the main goals of EPS Young Minds project is to connect young scientists among different physics fields. Therefore, Prague section is organizing students’ colloquiums named Physics Pizza Party: Students 4 students, where young scientists from different universities and research fields presented their research activities. These events prove to be very successful in winter semester in 2017.
Totally, we organized four colloquiums this semester, where different physics fields were presented by Ph.D. and master students from our faculty. Topics such as luminescent nanocrystals, mechanics of free fall in practice and modeling of quasicrystals were presented at the colloquiums. For most of invited speakers, it was their first experience to present their research activities in front of the audience which had not been familiar with the topic. Despite of this fact, each talk was perfectly prepared, and therefore it wasn’t difficult to understand given topic. Each event was scheduled for about 90 minutes with half of the time dedicated for the presentation and other half for the discussion, but due to the big interest from the audience and their questions during and after presentation, average time of colloquiums was about 2 hours. According to the speakers it was very rewarding experience for them.

Event promotion was made in form of posters placed in school buildings. It was also advertised on our social webpages, such as Facebook and Instagram, for the purpose of inviting as many participants as possible. Due to this advertisement and students’ high interest, our colloquiums had attendance around 40 students per one colloquium.

The Prague EPS Young Minds Section found these colloquiums rewarding as the “students for students” style of presentations is still rare in our country and is not frequently done by any other organisations. Based on the warm reaction and positive feedback received from colloquiums’ participants, we assume that they were successful. The high number of regular as well as occasional participants motivates us to continue with this activity.